
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sacred Geometry Applied to Healing and Energy

Sacred geometry asserts that by analyzing  and working with geometric figures, one attunes to the mystical laws of creation. Geometry is an important part of energy healing because subtle energies often organize in shape and form. Because of this, healers throughout history have employed symbols by using psychic visioning and by constructing healing instruments in various shapes. Geometry is also interrelated with sound.
Geometric theories began emerging thousands of years ago, most notably during the time of Plato and his predecessor, Pythagoras. The geometric proportions developed during this time period have been used by most civilizations since and applied to mathematics, art, architecture, cosmology, music, astronomy, and physics. Here are a few applications of sacred geometry to healing and energy.
There are several geometry theories that apply to healing energies.
  • Sine wave – A waveform with the shape of a sine curve: a single frequency indefinitely repeated in time, it used to depict the underlying measurement of energy.
  • Sphere – A three-dimensional closed circuit on which all points are at a given distance from the center. Energetically, it is considered in many cultures to represent the void, relationship, origin of life, or perfect balance.
  • Fibonacci sequence – A repetitive numerical series in which each number except for the first two is the sum of the preceding two. Closely related to the golden section.
  • Torus – A doughnut-shaped geometric surface created by rotating circle about a line in the same plane as the circle but not intersecting it. It is part of the flower of life.
  • Golden section – A line segment sectioned into two according to the golden ratio, where ‘a+b’ is to the longer segment as ‘a’ is to the shorter segment ‘b’. The ratio is approximately 1.6180 and often represented  with the Greek letter phi. This ratio is linked to the golden spiral and the golden rectangle. It is considered an instrument of the divine in creation.
  • Merkaba – Two oppositely oriented and inter-penetrating tetrahedrons, often considered to be vehicles for soul travel or opening to higher consciousness.
  • Metraton’s cube – Metaphysically recognized as the basis for the Platonic solids, it contains two tetrahedrons, two cubes, and an octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron.
  • Flower of life – A figure composed of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, creating a flower-like pattern. Images of the Platonic solids and other sacred geometrical figures can be discerned with this pattern.
  • The Platonic solids – Five three-dimensional solid shapes, each containing all congruent angles and sides. If circumscribed with a sphere, all vertices would touch the edge of that sphere. Linked by Plato to the four primary elements and heaven.
The applications of these shapes to music are important to sound healing theory. The ancients have always professed a belief in the “music of the spheres”, a vibrational ordering to the universe. Pythagoras is famous for interconnecting geometry and math to music. His music ratios were seen as forming harmonics that could restore a dis-harmonic body – or heal. Huns Jenny furthered this work through the study of cymatics, and contemporary sound healer and author Jonathan Goldman considers the proportions of the body to relate to the golden mean. Geometry also seems to serve as an ‘inter-dimensional glue,’ according to a relatively new theory called causal dynamical triangulation (CDT). According to CDT, time-space is divided into tiny triangulated pieces, with the building block being a pentachoron. Each simple, triangulated piece is geometrically flat, but they are glued together to create curved time-spaces. Many of these forms are geometrical in nature.
Cymatics studies that different frequencies produce different patterning effects. The nature of these patterns at least partially depends on spin, the rotation around a central axis that determines the resulting movements. In his book Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, author John Evans shows that there are various patterns produced by frequency and spin in the human body. He suggests that the cellular material of the body is patterned by electromagnetic waveforms with an ordering of frequency along the central axis. A simple change alters the vibrational qualities of the object and therefore its effects. And this is the basis of energy healing – changing frequency or spin through field dynamics.
Paramagnetism is the ability of a substance to resonate with magnetism. It helps explain the way that geometric energies influence the living. According to paramagnetism, it appears that different shapes literally attract magnetic energies and focus them in different ways. And the materials themselves influence the magnetic effects. Researches have suggested that employing paramagnetic materials in house building, including wood and stone, can help neutralize the effects of electro and Geo-pathetic stress.

Source: “The subtle body – An encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy” by Cyndi Dale – Sounds True

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