Magnetic Therapy entrenched with its Ancient Kemetic roots is reemerging as a promising force to assist in the healing of man once again.Western medicine is just now seeing what ancient Africans have saw for thousands of years, that the body is interconnected to the universe, and thus shares in the universal energy patterns of the universe.The body is condensed energy, and what manifests in the body is an expression of what is taking place on an subtle energy level.Our ancestors held that if we addressed the issue at the energy level by correcting the energy that is causing this specific problem to show up physically there would be no need to have surgery.Food was also a very significant part of medical treatment.They would tell you what to eat because the foods have healing properties in them.
Understanding that the earth has a magnetic field, and we are not only living in it, we are part of it that connects to a larger energy grid that extends all throughout the Multiverse.Magnetic rock the same stone used to make magnets are magnetically charged by millions of years of being in the earths field, and has a vibrational pull to prove it.Extensive research has been done to prove that Magnetic Therapy works just as well as other methods of what people label Alternative health. How can you call the true original forms of Health an alternative? This is a link to interesting research in Magnetic Therapy.
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