
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Natural Remedy for Children with ADHD

Raising Children with attention disorders can be a challenge. Here is a list of Natural remedies that will help your child use his/her brain to its highest potential to challenge and correct the effects of ADHD and ADD.

Red Clover (Trifolium Prantense): The herb red clover, also known as purple clover, trifolium pratense, sweet clover, and cow clover, has a long history of medicinal use. Over the centuries red clover has been used to treat respiratory infections and congestion, inflammation and tuberculosis. It has also been used to treat coughs, speed wound healing, and relieve water retention. Today, red clover is being studied for its possible benefits to those suffering heart disease, diabetes and prostate enlargement. Red clover has also demonstrated some profound anticancer effects and is a suitable ADHD herbal medicine.

Radix Heraclei: Radix heraclei is a Chinese herb that has been used for centuries to help relieve stress and comfort the system. It is often used by herbalists to release tension that is causing emotional rigidness. This herb is also useful in soothing overly active children.

Gotu Kola: Gotu Kola is an herb that grows in India, China, South Africa, Indonesia and the southern part of the United States. The reason why Gotu Kola herb extract is forever popular is because of the active ingredient triterpenes. Triterpenes enhance the production of collagen. They also keep blood vessels strong and assist in producing neurotransmitters. Gotu Kola has been known to reduce scarring and accelerate the healing process of burns, Keloids and wounds and surgical incisions. Gotu Kola increases the tone of connective tissue, enhances blood flow and maintains the resilience of the veins. Gotu Kola is also used to heighten mental function, improve memory, enhance learning capabilities and restore some of the memory loss of Alzheimer’s Disease. As ADD alternatives go, Gotu Kola is a great option.

Ginkgo Biloba: Chinese medicine has been using Ginkgo Biloba for centuries, but has only become popular in the west in the past couple of decades. Ginkgo Biloba is shown to decelerate the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, relieve anxiety and depression and optimize brain power. Many remedies for treating ADHD naturally include Ginkgo Biloba. GBE, Ginkgo Biloba extract, is used to make the supplement. GBE is obtained by drying and processing the leaves and then extracting the active ingredients. Ginkgo Biloba can enhance the nervous system by promoting the delivery of additional blood sugar and oxygen to nerve cells. Ginkgo Biloba is very useful for treating circulatory ailments by regulating the tone and elasticity of blood vessels to increase blood flow to the brain and extremities. Ginkgo Biloba also makes a great antioxidant because it gets rid of damaging compounds and aids in cell maintenance.

Pycnogenol: Pycnogenol is a natural plant product made from the bark of the European coastal pine, Pinus Maritima. Pycnogenol is shown to dramatically relieve Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD and reduce the effects of stress. Pycnogenol is also a powerful antioxidant which neutralizes unstable or "radical" oxygen molecules that attack the body's cells. Pycnogenol behaves like a cellular detoxifier. The human body naturally protects itself against pollutants by forming antioxidants, but for many people stress, environmental pollution, and the way that food is processed nowadays destroys antioxidants.

Pine Bark Extract: Pine Bark Extract is considered to be a very potent antioxidant, and is included in many ADHD herbal medicine formulations. Antioxidants are important because they are chemicals that deactivate the highly destructive chemicals, or free radicals, that damage cells and can contribute to many diseases. Being a potent antioxidant, Pine Bark Extract is very essential for the immune system. Studies show that Pine Bark Extract's antioxidant effects are 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more potent than Vitamin E. Pine Bark extract is found in many ADD supplements.

Avena Sativa: Avena sativa is what most people know as oats. Oats have been used for medical purposes since the Middle Ages and are vital to a healthy nervous system. It also acts as a mild sedative during nervous exhaustion and calms down those with performance anxiety. Avena sativa has been traditionally used to treat depression and is also helpful when withdrawing from tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Cimicifugas Racemosa: Cimicifuga racemosa, derived from Black Cohosh root, is used as a common remedy for emotional symptoms such as depression, restlessness, nervousness, irritability and anxiety.

Hops: Hops has many medicinal purposes. Hops can improve sleep and appetite. The volatile oil produces sedative effects. Many people mix hops with the stuffing in their pillows to help promote a calming effect and sleep. Hops has also been known to help with nervous agitation, restlessness, anxiety, hysteria, nervous stomach and irritable bladder.

Green Tea Extract: Green tea has been used by the Chinese as a potent medicinal herb since 3000 B.C. Green tea is rich in fluoride and has been shown to boost the immune system and contains potent antioxidants. Recently one of the bioflavonoids found in green tea, catechin, has been found to protect blood vessels, alleviate allergic symptoms, and inhibit the action viruses.

Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm supports mental performance, attention span, accuracy and memory and thus is often found in ADD natural treatment formulas. Lemon Balm also helps relieve restlessness, nervousness and anxiety and is a good ADHD herbal medicine.

Chamomile: Chamomile has a long history of reducing nervous tension and emotional stress and soothing the Central Nervous System.

American Ginseng: American Ginseng is shown to increase mental alertness, concentration and memory, as well as improve mental performance.

While ADHD herbal medicine is one alternative, it should be noted that  adding the best brain food available and adjusting the diet for ADHD kids works wonders at reducing the symptoms of ADHD.This means your child should be eating "No sugars" and eat plenty brain foods such as Blue Green Algae.These foods will curve the chemical reaction that these conditions causes and reduce their likelihood of reoccurring.

The Magnetic You

There are many different ways to healing the human body of ailments and diseases caused by the cultural lifestyle of an individual.Western medicine idea of health is not a proponent of Preventative Medicine.It will not educate you on what to eat so you won't get sick, and when they do they simply tell you to eat lettuce cause it's good for you, not explaining why,  as if their main concern is to keep people mesmerized with the idea of having some who can operate on them when  they are sick.Anyhow, alternative forms of healing has been suppressed and denied funding for advance research for many years until recent times.(sad to say it is not the same case with Free Energy Research which would, I guess put these gas guzzling Electric Companies out of Business.)    
Magnetic Therapy entrenched with its Ancient Kemetic roots is reemerging as a promising force to assist in the healing of man once again.Western medicine is just now seeing what ancient Africans have saw for thousands of years, that the body is interconnected to the universe, and thus shares in the universal energy patterns of the universe.The body is condensed energy, and what manifests in the body is an expression of what is taking place on an subtle energy level.Our ancestors held that if we addressed the issue at the energy level by correcting the energy that is causing this specific problem to show up physically there would be no need to have surgery.Food was also a very significant part of medical treatment.They would tell you what to eat because the foods have healing properties in them.

Understanding that the earth has a magnetic field, and we are not only living in it, we are part of it that connects to a larger energy grid that extends all throughout the Multiverse.Magnetic rock the same stone used  to make magnets are magnetically charged by millions of years of being in the earths field, and has a vibrational pull to prove it.Extensive research has been done to prove that Magnetic Therapy works just as well as other methods of what people label Alternative health. How can you call the true original forms of Health an alternative? This  is a link to interesting research in Magnetic Therapy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sacred Geometry Applied to Healing and Energy

Sacred geometry asserts that by analyzing  and working with geometric figures, one attunes to the mystical laws of creation. Geometry is an important part of energy healing because subtle energies often organize in shape and form. Because of this, healers throughout history have employed symbols by using psychic visioning and by constructing healing instruments in various shapes. Geometry is also interrelated with sound.
Geometric theories began emerging thousands of years ago, most notably during the time of Plato and his predecessor, Pythagoras. The geometric proportions developed during this time period have been used by most civilizations since and applied to mathematics, art, architecture, cosmology, music, astronomy, and physics. Here are a few applications of sacred geometry to healing and energy.
There are several geometry theories that apply to healing energies.
  • Sine wave – A waveform with the shape of a sine curve: a single frequency indefinitely repeated in time, it used to depict the underlying measurement of energy.
  • Sphere – A three-dimensional closed circuit on which all points are at a given distance from the center. Energetically, it is considered in many cultures to represent the void, relationship, origin of life, or perfect balance.
  • Fibonacci sequence – A repetitive numerical series in which each number except for the first two is the sum of the preceding two. Closely related to the golden section.
  • Torus – A doughnut-shaped geometric surface created by rotating circle about a line in the same plane as the circle but not intersecting it. It is part of the flower of life.
  • Golden section – A line segment sectioned into two according to the golden ratio, where ‘a+b’ is to the longer segment as ‘a’ is to the shorter segment ‘b’. The ratio is approximately 1.6180 and often represented  with the Greek letter phi. This ratio is linked to the golden spiral and the golden rectangle. It is considered an instrument of the divine in creation.
  • Merkaba – Two oppositely oriented and inter-penetrating tetrahedrons, often considered to be vehicles for soul travel or opening to higher consciousness.
  • Metraton’s cube – Metaphysically recognized as the basis for the Platonic solids, it contains two tetrahedrons, two cubes, and an octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron.
  • Flower of life – A figure composed of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, creating a flower-like pattern. Images of the Platonic solids and other sacred geometrical figures can be discerned with this pattern.
  • The Platonic solids – Five three-dimensional solid shapes, each containing all congruent angles and sides. If circumscribed with a sphere, all vertices would touch the edge of that sphere. Linked by Plato to the four primary elements and heaven.
The applications of these shapes to music are important to sound healing theory. The ancients have always professed a belief in the “music of the spheres”, a vibrational ordering to the universe. Pythagoras is famous for interconnecting geometry and math to music. His music ratios were seen as forming harmonics that could restore a dis-harmonic body – or heal. Huns Jenny furthered this work through the study of cymatics, and contemporary sound healer and author Jonathan Goldman considers the proportions of the body to relate to the golden mean. Geometry also seems to serve as an ‘inter-dimensional glue,’ according to a relatively new theory called causal dynamical triangulation (CDT). According to CDT, time-space is divided into tiny triangulated pieces, with the building block being a pentachoron. Each simple, triangulated piece is geometrically flat, but they are glued together to create curved time-spaces. Many of these forms are geometrical in nature.
Cymatics studies that different frequencies produce different patterning effects. The nature of these patterns at least partially depends on spin, the rotation around a central axis that determines the resulting movements. In his book Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, author John Evans shows that there are various patterns produced by frequency and spin in the human body. He suggests that the cellular material of the body is patterned by electromagnetic waveforms with an ordering of frequency along the central axis. A simple change alters the vibrational qualities of the object and therefore its effects. And this is the basis of energy healing – changing frequency or spin through field dynamics.
Paramagnetism is the ability of a substance to resonate with magnetism. It helps explain the way that geometric energies influence the living. According to paramagnetism, it appears that different shapes literally attract magnetic energies and focus them in different ways. And the materials themselves influence the magnetic effects. Researches have suggested that employing paramagnetic materials in house building, including wood and stone, can help neutralize the effects of electro and Geo-pathetic stress.

Source: “The subtle body – An encyclopedia of your energetic anatomy” by Cyndi Dale – Sounds True

Monday, April 2, 2012

Do Magnets have Healing Power?

Alternative practitioners have long said yes, and recent studies suggest that they may be right. In a recent study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston found magnets to be more effective than sham magnets at blocking pain caused by post-polio syndrome. (This syndrome, marked by leg pain, affects up to 20% of polio sufferers later in life.)
In the controlled study, 76% of patients treated with a magnet got pain relief. Only 18% treated with a sham magnet got relief.
Growing Body of Evidence
In other studies, magnets have proven effective against:
  • Fibromyalgia - Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston showed that magnets help relieve muscle pain caused by this mysterious condition. In the study, patients who slept on magnetic mattresses experienced greater pain relief than patients who slept on ordinary mattresses.
  • Diabetic neuropathy - In research conducted at New York Medical College of Valhalla, magnetic foot pads were more effective than non-magnetic foot pads at relieving numbness, tingling and pain associated with this diabetes-related problem.
Evidence suggests that roughly 80% of chronic pain sufferers could benefit from magnetic therapy. That is true for virtually any form of pain.
How Magnets Relieve Pain
When held against the skin, magnets relax capillary walls, thereby boosting blood flow to the painful area.
They also help prevent the muscle spasms that underlie many forms of pain - apparently by interfering with muscle contractions. And, they interfere with the electrochemical reactions that take place within nerve cells, impeding their ability to transmit pain messages to the brain.
Of course, chronic pain can be controlled with aspirin and other over-the-counter and prescription painkillers. But unlike pain medications, magnets do not carry any risk of side effects.
Selecting Medical Magnets
Medical magnets come in a dizzying range of shapes, sizes and strengths. They range in price from about $5 all the way to $900.
It is usually best to start with one or more coin-shaped magnets made of the rare earth metal neodymium-boron. For most applications, these "neo" magnets work just as well as – and cost less than – other magnets.
Magnetism is measured in gauss. A typical refrigerator magnet is about 10 gauss. That is too weak to penetrate the skin - and unlikely to be helpful for anything more than a minor bruise.
Medical magnets range in strength from 450 gauss to 10,000 gauss. The higher the gauss, the better the pain relief.
Putting Magnets to Work:
The magnet should be affixed to the skin directly over the painful area. Some people use ordinary adhesive bandages to affix the magnets. But Transpore, a paper tape made by 3M, works better. It holds well, and it doesn't pull the hairs from the skin when it is removed.
If the magnet fails to provide relief within a few days, reposition the magnet over the nearest acupuncture point. To locate these points on the body, consult a book on acupuncture.
If repositioning the magnet fails to bring relief within 30 days, odds are it's not going to work. Switch to another type of magnet or speak with your doctor about using pain killing medication or another conventional approach.
  • Aching Feet - Magnetic insoles can relieve foot pain and the achy feelings in the legs after you've been standing all day.
  • Arthritis - If pain is limited to your fingers, a neo magnet taped to the affected joint should do the trick. Or, you can wear a magnetic wrist band.
  • Back Pain - Place four magnets about 1.5" on either side of the spine, two per side. If applying and removing several magnets proves troublesome, use a three to four inch ceramic strip magnet, or a magnetic back brace.
  • Headache - Tape magnets to your temples or to the back of your head, just above the neck. Or use a magnetic headband.
  • Tennis Elbow - Use a magnetic band around the elbow. The same band also relieves hand and arm pain caused by repetitive strain injury.

The Right Food / The Best Medicine

Science overwhelmingly shows us that food is the best medicine. As the spirits of the ancients return we are becoming more aware of the medicinal properties of food.I have always asked the question why do I have to get sick (with side effects) to get healed when taking traditional medicines.Our Grocery store should be our Farm-acy...Following these 10 rules will keep you healthy for life!

Ten Rules For Eating Safely
  1. Do not eat food if it has a label on it. Avoid foods in a box, package or can.
  2. If the food does have a label, it should have fewer than five ingredients. But Beware of food with “Health Claims” on the label. Cola is “fat free” but that certainly doesn’t make Cola a healthy food item. A big bag of deep fried potato chips may say ” all-natural, no artificial ingredients, gluten-free, organic, no sugar, and it may also have fewer than five ingredients on label, but that doesn’t make it a health food! (Potato chips contain a cancer causing chemical. Read More..)
  3. Stay away from those deadly white powders: white sugar and white flour which acts like sugar in your body. Sugar of any name on the label, throw it out.
  4. Throw out any food with high fructose corn syrup on the label. It is not biochemically identical to sugar. Researchers in Children’s Hospital in Oakland found that it punches little holes in your gut. This creates something called a leaky gut and allows toxic bacteria in food proteins to get into your bloodstream causing serious inflammation which drives diabesity. This is the main ingredient in liquid calories or sugary drinks which is the number one cause of obesity in America. Don’t drink your calories! They will pour on the pounds!
  5. Throw out any food with the word “hydrogenated” on the label! It is an indicator of trans fats which are vegetable oils converted through a process into shortening or margarine. You know why they call at shortening? Because it shortens your life.
  6. Throw out any highly refined cooking oils such as corn oil and soy oil. Also avoid fried foods. Stick with olive oil and coconut oil.
  7. Throw out any food with ingredients you do not recognize or can not pronounce.
  8. Throw out any foods with preservatives, additives, coloring, or dyes, or “natural flavorings” like MSG
  9. Throw out any food with artificial sweeteners of any kind. How many of you have used diet drinks as a weight-loss strategy or to manage diabetes? Here is the headline you need to know. Artificial sweeteners make you hungrier, they slow your metabolism, they will give you bad gas, and they make you store extra fat around your waist, the big bad belly fat! In a recent study, people who drank two or more diet sodas a day experienced waist size increases 500% greater than those of non-drinkers.
  10. If it came from the earth or a farmer’s field and not a food chemist’s lab than it is safe to eat.
Now that you have thrown out everything in your kitchen how are you going to eat? Eat real food. Learn to make “The Perfect Plate”.  When you do that, you will lose weight automatically,  stop your sugar and carb cravings, and your food addictions.
  • Focus on eating quality real whole fresh foods every day. Load up on Good Carbs, slow carbs, plant foods. These include vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and beans. These don’t spike insulin and they make you lose belly fat. These foods have all the right gene material and turn on all the right human genes. Our bodies know what to do with these whole foods.
  • Make “The Perfect Plate”
    1. Half the plate should be low glycemic vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, salad greens. And you get unlimited refills on that side.
    2. One quarter of the plate should be high quality protein like beans, nuts and seeds, lean chicken, fish.
    3. One quarter of the plate should be slow carbs like brown rice, quinoa, or sweet potatoes. Not bagels, doughnuts or pasta!
  • The key to balancing your blood sugar and insulin is having protein with every meal including snacks. Eating protein at breakfast will cut your cravings, turn up your metabolic thermostat, make you lose weight faster. So for breakfast have eggs, a protein shake, or have dinner for breakfast. You also need to eat the right fats.
  • Research is clear. Eating fat does not make you fat. 90% of Americans are deficient in the good fats. Good fats are those anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats that come from wild fish and some plants like algae. These fight diabesity and boost your brain..See "Blue Green Algae"
    You also need the good oils like olive oil, nuts, coconut oil and avocados.
  • Eat early, eat often and do not eat before Bed! Breakfast is the single most important meal of the day. It is the main thing that people have in common who have lost 70 or more pounds and have kept it off for five years. Eating often is also essential. People who ate three meals a day lost more weight than people who ate one meal a day even if they ate exactly the same amount of calories during the day. Do not eat right before you go to bed. Eating before you go to bed makes your body store fat instead of burning it. That’s how Sumo wrestlers gain weight. They eat and they go to bed.
  • There are two bad guys that can cause diabetes, gluten and dairy. Stopping them for a few weeks can result in dramatic shifts in health and weight.
  • There is one thing affecting millions of people and it is almost never diagnosed by your doctor. Hidden food allergies and sensitivities. In addition to causing many chronic health problems like auto immune diseases, asthma, migraines, digestive problems like irritable bowel and reflux. Food sensitivities and allergies also cause diabetes..