
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Police use DNA Altering Devices against Protestors

Sales Of Sound Weapons Exploding During Year Of Protests | The Associated Press reports today Long-Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) — many of them sound weapons used for crowd control — sales have exploded, with manufacturer LRAD Corp. having “record sales of $26 million in the 2011 fiscal year ending Sept. 30, up 57 percent from a year earlier.” The rise in sales this year comes as the world has seen a huge outpouring of social movements and mass protests, from New York City to Cairo.

The Reality of Shape Shifting Revealed in Nanotechnology

With the advancement of science today, it becomes apparent that we are heading towards establishing a civilization that this planet has never seen before outside of a movie theater. Remember the cartoon called the Jetsons? If we recall they had a device similiar to a coffee maker that could make any type of food instantly.This machine could also create other inorganic materials.What does this has to do with Nanotechnology? Well Nanotechnology is a science where atoms and molecules stick together because they have complementary shapes that lock together, or charges that attract. Just like with magnets, a positively charged atom will stick to a negatively charged atom. As millions of these atoms are pieced together by nano machines, a specific product will begin to take shape. The goal of molecular manufacturing is to manipulate atoms individually and place them in a pattern to produce a desired structure.In other words these nano machine can create any substance by replicating it from a molecular level.Sound like cloning right?

Scientist at Rice University has said, "Trillions of assemblers and replicators could fill an area smaller than a cubic millimeter, and could still be too small for us to see with the naked eye. Assemblers and replicators could work together to automatically construct products, and could eventually replace all traditional labor methods. This could vastly decrease manufacturing costs, thereby making consumer goods plentiful, cheaper and stronger. Eventually, we could be able to replicate anything, including diamonds, water and food. Famine could be eradicated by machines that fabricate foods to feed the hungry."

"Nanotechnology may have its biggest impact on the medical industry. Patients will drink fluids containing nanorobots programmed to attack and reconstruct the molecular structure of cancer cells and viruses. There's even speculation that nanorobots could slow or reverse the aging process, and life expectancy could increase significantly. Nanorobots could also be programmed to perform delicate surgeries -- such nanosurgeons could work at a level a thousand times more precise than the sharpest scalpel [source: International Journal of Surgery]. By working on such a small scale, a nanorobot could operate without leaving the scars that conventional surgery does. Additionally, nanorobots could change your physical appearance. They could be programmed to perform cosmetic surgery, rearranging your atoms to change your ears, nose, eye color or any other physical feature you wish to alter."

"Nanotechnology has the potential to have a positive effect on the environment. For instance, scientists could program airborne nanorobots to rebuild the thinning ozone layer. Nanorobots could remove contaminants from water sources and clean up oil spills. Manufacturing materials using the bottom-up method of nanotechnology also creates less pollution than conventional manufacturing processes. Our dependence on non-renewable resources would diminish with nanotechnology. Cutting down trees, mining coal or drilling for oil may no longer be necessary -- nanomachines could produce those resources."

Some other surprising things Nano technology can be used for is Cloning People, Animals and Foods.Is this the key to Genetic/Molecular Manipulation? From what researchers are saying the answer is yes.Will these new Nano-foods, Products or even People be harmful to our society? How about the idea of injecting Nano particles in your bloodstream that are programmed to reconstruct the molecules in your body thus transforming  you into another  person or thing? Only time will tell if Nanotechnology is the science of Shape shifting or not.


Silver has long been known to be a potent antimicrobial agent and its beneficial effects on wound biology have in general been overlooked until recently. A description of what silver does and its role in wound management will be presented briefly with a more complete discussion in later sections.


The antimicrobial activity of silver ion is well defined. Silver ion rapidly kills microbes by blocking the cell respiration pathway. The speed of action is almost instantaneous once the silver reaches the microbe. The efficacy of microbe killing is based not only on the amount of silver ion present, but likely also the presence of other silver radicals generated by a silver releasing product.
Because of mechanism of action, microbial resistance to silver itself has not been reported. In addition, silver has repeatedly been shown to be non-toxic to human cells. Toxicity occurs from the complexes used to deliver silver such as nitrate and sulfadiazine.

Infection Control ( Antimicrobial Properties )
  • kills microbes on contact by poisoning microbe cellular respiration
  • speed of action directly correlated with the silver ion dose in contact with microbes
  • silver resistance is not seen
  • safe and non-allergenic

Silver ion is known to have the following biochemical effects on a wound:
  1. Histologically decreases wound surface inflammation
  2. Decreases wound surface excess metalloproteinase activity likely by decreasing zinc, essential for metalloproteinase (MMP) activity
  3. Oxidizes and binds to sulfur bonds, unlike Zinc and Copper which bind to oxygen. Sulfur bonds are necessary for MMP activity
  4. Increase in wound calcium (a pro epithelialization effect)

Section II.

Silver has long been known to be a potent antimicrobial agent and its beneficial effects on wound biology have in general been overlooked until recently. A description of what silver does and its role in wound management will be presented briefly with a more complete discussion in later sections.
The antimicrobial activity of silver ion is well defined. Silver ion rapidly kills microbes by blocking the cell respiration pathway. The speed of action is almost instantaneous once the silver reaches the microbe. The efficacy of microbe killing is based not only on the amount of silver ion present, but likely also the presence of other silver radicals generated by a silver releasing product.
Because of mechanism of action, microbial resistance to silver itself has not been reported. In addition, silver has repeatedly been shown to be non-toxic to human cells. Toxicity occurs from the complexes used to deliver silver such as nitrate and sulfadiazine.
Infection Control ( Antimicrobial Properties )
  • kills microbes on contact by poisoning microbe cellular respiration
  • speed of action directly correlated with the silver ion dose in contact with microbes
  • silver resistance is not seen
  • safe and non-allergenic

Silver ion is known to have the following biochemical effects on a wound:
  1. Histologically decreases wound surface inflammation
  2. Decreases wound surface excess metalloproteinase activity likely by decreasing zinc, essential for metalloproteinase (MMP) activity
  3. Oxidizes and binds to sulfur bonds, unlike Zinc and Copper which bind to oxygen. Sulfur bonds are necessary for MMP activity
  4. Increase in wound calcium (a pro epithelialization effect)

Wound Healing Properties:
The anti-inflammatory effects of silver ion on a wound have been recognized for centuries. Most of the reports are purely descriptive in nature identifying the decrease in erythema and increased healing.
A number of the biochemical effects of silver on the wound have been documented over a decade ago. However, only recently with the new concepts on wound healing and healing impairment, can a mechanism of action be presented. The major focus of wound healing has been on the relationship between tissue destruction by a group of collagenase enzymes known as METALLOPROTEINASES (MMP) and tissue synthesis which is stimulated by growth factors.
  • An excess of MMP activity has been reported in burn wounds and in chronic wounds.
  • Action of the MMP’s is dependent on the availability of free Zinc.
  • Silver decreases surface Zinc which could decrease excess MMP activity and increasing healing rate.
  • Recent findings indicate that silver (as delivered by the pure silver system ACTICOAT) decreases MMP activity.
  • The fact that silver increases wound surface calcium should stimulate epithelialization.
A more detailed description will be presented later.
Wound Healing (Wound Surface Effects)
  • decreases wound surface excess inflammation (anti-inflammatory)
  • decreases metalloproteinase MMP activity present which is excessive in burns and chronic wounds likely by decreasing zinc
  • increases wound calcium - a pro healing effect
  • Decreases Zn+ on surface
  • Decreases excess MMP (Metalloproteinase) activity
  • Increases Ca+ on surface which increased epithelialization
  • Anti-inflammatory

Effect of silver delivery (ACTICOAT) on Metalloproteinase (Collagenase) MMP 1.8.13
A quantitative assay was undertaken using collagenase MMP-1, MMP-8; and MMP-13). As MMP-2 and MMP-9 have related activities (gelatinase), they are anticipated to behave similarly and produce results similar to those obtained for the collagenase tested.
The collagenase inhibition test was conducted by adding dilutions of ACTICOAT dressing extract (3 sq. in. in 5 ml. Water) to an assay mixture containing fluorescently-labeled gelatin and appropriately diluted (in water) collagenase. Following incubation the activity of the enzyme was compared to baseline activity (no inhibitor). The assay was also conducted in the presence of a known inhibitor (0.5 mM phenanthroline). The inhibitor reduced enzyme activity by 70%. The silver related from ACTICOAT reduced enzyme activity by 90%.

Alkaline Water and its Benefits towards your Health

Alkaline and a Disease Free Body

Proper Health starts with the correct acid-alkaline balance in your body. The pH level (acid – alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind can overwhelm your body, and lead to health complications. Just as the body regulates its temperature in a rigid manner, so will it manage to preserve a very narrow pH range – especially in the blood. As a matter of fact, the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity will interrupt all cellular activities and functions – it interferes with life itself.
When the pH of the body gets out of balance (too acidic), we may experience low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches and pains, and even more serious disorders.
The cycle of acidity begins primarily as a result of three things:
1. Ingesting acids. Eating too many acidifying foods like processed sugar, meats, dairy, coffee, alcohol, etc. Create an acid ash in the body. These acids can overload the body’s ability to neutralize them.
2. Creation of acids. Pathogens and microforms create acidifying toxins in the body. As the body becomes more and more acidic, bad bacteria, yeasts and other microforms proliferate in the body. Since these organisms are living, they eat as well as create resulting toxins. These toxins are often very acidifying.
3. Improper elimination of acids. Not all acids are the same; some are weak and some are strong. Weak acids like citric acid are much easier to neutralize than strong acids like uric acid. The body uses many systems in order to buffer acids including breath, mineral reserves, and fat. When the body’s buffering systems become compromised, excess acids build up.
The process of reestablishing  acid-alkaline balance begins with proper diet and nutrition. This includes eating alkalizing foods (vegetables, low sugar fruits, etc.), super hydration (drinking plenty of alkaline water that is ionic and structured), and proper supplementation.
pH Balance begins with super hydration
Water is the most crucial factor in establishing and maintaining proper acid-alkaline balance. Since your body is 70% water, it is extremely important to constantly replenish your supply of it. The body loses 2.5 liters of water every day just through normal bodily functions. The quality of the water that you drink is just as important as the quantity of water you drink. The water you put in your body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and creating destructive influences on cells. Water must also transport minerals and nutrients required for cell metabolism, and remove any substances that can damage the cell. Ideally, the water you drink should have a ph between 9 and 10, and you should be drinking 3-4 liters of it daily.
In order to hydrate your body optimally, you need to drink water that is alkaline and ionized. Alkaline water helps to neutralize stored acids and toxins. Once these acids are neutralized, they can then be removed by the body. Alkaline water containing ionic minerals also acts as a conductor of electrochemical activity from cell to cell. Reports from studies suggest that ionized, alkaline water can help the body resist disease and slow aging by:
  • Increasing Intracellular Hydration
  • Replenishing Essential Minerals
  • Stabilizing and Protecting Cells
  • Helping To Maintain Normal Blood Flow and Acid Alkaline Balance
  • Flushing Out and Preventing Wastes from Accumulating in Cells
  • Preventing Free Radicals from Forming and Damaging Other Cells
In order to create and maintain a disease free body we must understand how our body works in relation to what we put into it.Diseases cannot survive in your system if it is high in alkaline.Acids are the breeding ground for sickness.When we remove the acidic foods from our diets we remove diseases from our lives.

Anti-Toxin of Common Sense

Many phases of metaphysical thought today have become epidemic. They need the anti-toxin of Common Sense, to save the minds infected from mania. Any philosophy, or religion, or creed, or dogma, which fails to make men better sons, husbands and fathers, better neighbors and citizens, is of little use to the world. Any woman who is not improved as a daughter, wife, mother, neighbor and friend, by her religion, has not found the path that leads to the highest development of her character.
Hundreds of men and women in our midst are striving to attain powers, which will enable them to reach above this everyday plane of consciousness and to see and hear what is transpiring in psychic realms. Insanity, divorce, broken homes and broken minds frequently result from these foolish endeavors to become “adepts.” The ranks of the adepts are not reinforced, but the ranks of the world’s unfortunates are.
No religion, no philosophy, no course of mental or spiritual training can fit human beings to adorn or enjoy “realms beyond,” unless it fits them first to adorn and enjoy the realms in which they are placed by destiny. No amount of spiritual enthusiasm can render us capable of filling important positions in the “kingdom come,” unless it enables us to first perform every nearest duty here on earth with willing cheerfulness, courage and trust.
The Creator who placed us upon earth, in human bodies, with human instincts and appetites, intended us to live as normal human beings, performing the tasks necessary to the earthly sojourn, while we develop, to the best of our ability, the character which merits immortality. But this development cannot be obtained by leaping over the practical, commonplace obligations of home, neighborhood and society and arriving at some spiritual eminence, from which immortality is discernible.It must be attained by climbing up the stairs of duties performed.
Prayer and meditation “in the silence” are both means of lifting the mind above the petty worries of everyday life. They are like refreshing showers, which cleanse the mind from dust; like rays of sunshine, which bring forth blossoms on the barren earth. But the woman who devotes her time to prayer and meditation and neglects to sweep her room, to prepare the meals for her family, to care for her person and make herself attractive to her husband and children, and who fails to interest herself in the things which render her companionable to those nearest her is not developing the highest attributes of her nature. She is not winning immortality, and she is not on the path to the highest usefulness in this world. She is making a mistake, which will prove a hindrance to her happiness on both planes of consciousness.
When any religion creates a growing chasm between a wife or a mother and her family and causes a separateness of interests and atrophies the affections, its divine origin may be questioned. Religion should give new vitality to the heart, strengthen the love nature, and bring those who are near to us still nearer; it should enable us to be so broad, so tolerant, so sympathetic, so loving, that all difference of faith can be borne, without discord or alienation of the affections.
New Thought, so called, of all religions ought to bring harmony, rather than dissension into the family circle. Its whole philosophy rests upon the power of silent thought to change conditions and achieve results. The old creeds believed in proselyting, in trying to make converts, in preaching and haranguing, and in revival meetings, which consisted in working upon the emotional and hysterical nature of the “unconverted.” New Thought has abandoned all these methods. The law of assertion has taken the place of preaching and praying with “sinners.”
Thought has been declared by physical science to be a phase of the same energy which governs the solar system. It is understood how, rightly and persistently directed, thought can draw to the mind which sends it forth whatever that mind desires. Demand creates supply.
The woman who wants her family to come into harmony with her ideas should begin by making her family love and respect her in every capacity of wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend. So practical, so thoughtful, so humanly loving, so useful, so companionable should she be in her daily life, so cheerful and so amiable in her performance of duties, that her example would, in the natural course of events, seem worthy of emulation and her ideas and opinions, worthy of respect.
When such a woman sends into space her quiet, earnest assertions that those who are dear to her believe as she believes and understand as she understands, she need use no arguments, no sermons, no educating methods, to bring about the desired result. Sooner or later, she will be given her heart’s wish. But she who allows her creed to separate her from her family, who forgets to be the ideal wife, mother or daughter, in trying to be the spiritual adept, only drives her family further away from the truth, as she understands it, and delays her own best development, by neglecting her nearest duties. It is good wives and good mothers and good women in the daily walks of life that the world needs, not adepts or miracle-workers.
“Be ye faithful in a few things, and ye shall be made rulers over many.” Great powers come to those who continually perform small obligations with an understanding of their importance in the building of the House Beautiful – the human character. I Love You All Unconditionally.. Mufasa Namaste.